Please note that this product is for Windows only. It appears you are running a different operating system. Please do not download or purchase this product unless it is intended for use on a Microsoft Windows based computer.
Excel Scheduling Templates Key Features |
Schedule by Employee | Manage Employee Availability | Auto-Scheduling |
Publish for the Web | Cost Analysis | Sales Based Scheduling |
Scheduling personnel in accordance with a plan is a management task that we encounter in almost all industries. It is frequently encountered in businesses or charities where employees and volunteers work on a flexible schedule. Restaurant scheduling, hospital scheduling, call center scheduling, nursing home scheduling, hotel scheduling and many other businesses need to be able to establish a plan that will ensures that they have the appropriate number of people with the requisite skills available at any point in time.
Our employee scheduling spreadsheets for Microsoft Excel provide a simple, inexpensive and flexible approach to staff scheduling that can be used in many industries. By providing this solution in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, we have been able to provide excellent functionality and, at the same time, allow the typical user who is familiar with Excel, to enhance, tailor and extend the scheduling spreadsheet to meet their specific needs.